Why bike...?
There are so many good reasons to ride a bike, but today's reason was biking to blow off steam from a stressful day at work. I'm all for change, I work in IT, so we are changing all the time. I just don't understand why we have to stop thinking and caring about people while going through the process. We work with computers, but are not computers ourselves.
Anyway, beautiful day today, sunny, 70's, St Patty's Day. It can't get much better than that.
Owensboro Bicycle Club Time trials #1 Wed. at 6pm backside of Panther Creek Park. Riders do a 9.9 mile loop and leave every 2 minutes. Should be interesting!!!
Today's Mileage: 10.8 miles
2009 YTD Mileage: 49.4 miles
Miles to 2009 goal of 1,000 miles: 950.6
Avg Price of Gas in the 'boro: $1.82
Labels: training ride
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