Spring Time Trial #1
Met at the back entrance of Panther Creek Park for a fast, flat loop time trial. I had never done a time trial, but wanted to see where I stood in terms of endurance, speed, and discipline at the start of my "season". There were about 10 of us attempting this. Each rider left in 2 minute intervals, starting from a dead stop, with a push start.
I completed the 9.90 miles with 75’ of elevation course in 31:06 with an average speed of 19.1 mph. I'm pretty happy with that, at this point in the "season". Now, we'll just have to see if I can improve on that...
Yesterday's Mileage: 9.9 miles
2009 YTD Mileage: 59.3 miles
Miles to 2009 goal of 1,000 miles: 940.7
Avg Price of Gas in the 'boro: $1.85
Labels: training ride
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