(aka One Heckuva Brick Workout)
Had my last Tri swim master class. It was a lot of laps and drills and we ended with 4 100 sprint relays. Total distance was 2450m. But, I wasn't done! I was more determined this year to accomplish my measly mileage goal. Another friend had a more lofty goal, but was short on mileage all the same. So, we arranged for a group ride after swim class. A 50 mile group ride. The forecast called for mid 40's. I'm not convinced it made it to 40 degrees. And winds were 10-15 mph gusting up to 20 mph. We started out with 7 of us, 2 on recumbents. One person went home early and she was probably the sanest out of the bunch. We trudged on, and it literally felt like that when we were into the wind. However, I'm glad I pushed through and finished. The warm shower afterwards almost thawed me out.
Yesterday's Mileage: 51 miles
2008 YTD Mileage: 767.1 miles
Miles OVER 2008 goal of 750 miles: 17.1
Avg Price of Gas in the 'boro: $1.55
Labels: training ride